Friday, June 19, 2009

Of time and calves

Life is busy. So busy sometimes, that you forget to enjoy it and to stop and look at it from your children's perspective. There is a time for everything; a time to do laundry, a time to do housework, a time to school and teach, a time to make meals...but to take the time to go out of your way to give your boys a wonderful opportunity to feed some calves, that was on the very bottom of my list of things to do that day.

It had been a very busy week preparing for a herb/weed presentation, camping trip and all the wonderful things in between. At the beginning of the week, Fannie had asked us if we wanted to come over and have the boys feed their calves. Oh yes! The boys thought it was neat and they were excited!

The week filled up fast and flew by like a whirlwind. Friday loomed long and busy as we had to get ready for the camping trip and babysitting in the afternoon. I was ready to just let the calf thing go, as it was not of 'importance'. Then i remembered my brother and sister in law who are/were always ready to be a blessing to their children and how much I had appreciated that from them when their daughter and our niece passed away to suddenly. I learned that life is short and to live each day as it were my last.

So, guess what? We piled into the Van bright and early, and headed out!

Hendrik feeding Burdock, the calf
Pieters turn! Boy he was hungry!

In the background you see Nettle, a brown calf. It didn't like drinking from a bottle so it lapped up the milk from a pail

After that we were allowed to pick some strawberry's!
"I yike it" said Rein

and some radishes...I ate most of them as they others nibbled slowly on theirs and Rein made the comment that they were "hot".
Will you stop today and enjoy what God has given you?

Psa 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

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